64 Audio A4s Custom In-Ear Earphones Review
The four driver A4s is the latest "hybrid" custom in-ear from 64 Audio. Featuring a dynamic driver for added bass impact plus 64's signature "tia" and "apex" technology, the A4s is a tempting package for professionals and audiophiles alike.
64 Audio Duo Universal In-Ear Earphones review
The new 64 Audio Duo Universal In-Ear Earphones feature an innovative "Apex Core" open air design intended to make them sound more like an open-back headphone. Could they replace your traditional over-ear headphones?
64 Audio U18s Universal-Fit Earphones
You won’t believe how many drivers are contained in the 64 Audio U18s universal-fit earphones. There’s a hint in the model number.
64 Audio Nio Universal-Fit Earphones
What do eight balanced armature drivers, plus a 9mm dynamic driver, deliver for audiophiles? Check out our review of the 64 Audio Nio Universal-Fit Earphones.