Essential Setup Tool
Inexpensive but invaluable, this tool makes a big difference to any setup. Easily, and often overlooked, the importance of correct alignment, and precision set up, of any HIFI equipment is essential. Level 45 can be used with most systems but without it you'll never realise and release the full benefits of your equipment and your listening pleasure will ultimately be compromised.
Level 45
Any precision instrument needs careful installation and our precision level is essential for best results. While other levels offer the ability to level a flat surface, most cannot level the platter correctly, especially in suspended designs. Level 45 is manufactured in stainless steel, comes in two parts and offers a precision level and 45rpm adapter. Designed to be used either individually or together, so the level can fit over the centre spindle. Total weight is approximately 180g so suspended turntables can be reliably set up so when the level is removed and the record is played the platter will be running level. Level 45 cannot be used if the spindle exceeds 15mm.