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Precision engineering in the pursuit of the best sound

Clearaudio's V2 MM technology uses ebony as a resonance resistant body. Other ingredients of the recipe for success are the most effective reduction of moving mass, an optimized polishing technique for the stylus and highly effective cartridge damping.

The cartridges produce an audiophile sound of superlative quality – spatially detailed and vividly textured, with bass that does not wallow and treble that is not harsh. The models of the Clearaudio MM V2 series provide outstanding sound quality on all current tonearms.

With the exception of the MM concept V2, which is made of aluminium, all the cartridges in this series are made with housings of hand-polished ebony – the key to record-breaking weight values.

  • Minimum phase error and distortion
  • Flattest frequency response
  • Aluminium housing
Total Mass: 8.6g (± 0.2g)
Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz
Output Voltage (1kHz, 5cm/s): ~ 3.3mV
Channel Separation (1kHz): 20dB
Channel Balance (1kHz): 2dB
Tracking Ability: 80μm
Recommended Tracking Force: 2.2g ± 0.3g
Coil Impedance (1kHz): 0.66kΩ
Coil Inductance:    400mH
Load Resistance: 47kΩ
Load Capacitance: 100pF
Cantilever/Stylus Shape: Aluminium / elliptical
Compliance: 15μ/mN
Cartridge Body: Aluminium

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